Friday, February 18, 2011

Delta Tau Delta International Brother and Our Needed Qualities

I don't know about you Brothers..... However, 5041 Peachtree AvenueWilmington, North Carolina all the Way in the back is prime-time location for a Donald Trump Hugh Hefner Delta Tau Delta Fraternity House... Delta Brothers say Chi Phi who....? I have learned a lesson Brothers you can be the Cuttiest, the Strongest, and the Sexiest male in the entire world however without your growth affiliations and money support....What have I learned ...?

more details at

Delta Tau Delta International Brother and Our Needed Q

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Tucson Together

Tucson Together
Originally uploaded by gabriellegiffords
Gabrielle Dee "Gabby" Giffords (born June 8, 1970) is an American politician. A Democratic member of the United States House of Representatives ... is ar University Medical Center February 2, 2011...

and more Ideas at

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Speaker Boehner Swears Congresswoman Virgina Foxx of Banner Elk intoOffice

Toni Espostio of "Banner Elk" North Carolina... I swear. I never told. you need to tell your little Brother the Truth...Your imagination is more than a Broughton High... Peter "Pistol Pete" Press Maravich Career life time High Light...Sam Esposito The Hall of Fame Cute male Athletes know when you love something alot you just never tell anybody when there is more than a Love Bond... .You got to give a girl or girls what they need or want... Complete fulfillment is more than 9/10th of the Law.... However for a Multi-Trillion Dollars... We Ain't no Barbara Walters....

I swear to tell the truth and noting but to truth so help us God...

Friday, February 4, 2011

Gala for Children and the Arts

The Duchess of Cornwall with the Maria Fidelis Convent School Gospel Choir at a gala dinner and theatrical performance at Buckingham Palace for supporters of The Prince's Foundation for Children and the Arts, 1 February 2011. The event was held jointly by The Duchess and The Prince of Wales, who is the Foundation's President.
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